Once you have logged in to your project, you will access the project home page. Your teammates may have already started creating documents (as in the example below) or the page may be empty. In both cases you can create a new document which will be added to the existing ones.
1 - Click on "New document".
2 - List of available templates. By default, only favorite templates are displayed, click on "See all templates" to see more.
3 - See all templates of the project
4 - Search a template with its title
5 - Click on different categories to use filters on the template list. Feel free to use different categories to refine your search.
6 - Create and set up your own templates.
7 - Import a document from another Ubikey project to use it on this template (article coming soon)
Hover your mouse over a template in the list.
8 - Create a document from a template
9 - Add or remove template from favorites.
Add a template in favorites enables you to find it more easily to create documents and to show it to your teammates
10 - See more details about this template