Add a read only participant

Written by Support Ubikey
Updated 1 year ago

You can share read only acces to your projects. It is convenient to give access to someone who is not part of the project for example.

A read only participant can visualize document but never edit or delete them.

Add a read only participant

To add a read only participant, click on the "Participant" icon on the top right-handed corner of your project home page.

Then click on the "Edit" icon to edit the participants list.

To add a new participant, type his name in the search field and click on the "Add" icon (hover your mouse over the participant name). A participant must have an Ubikey account to appear on this list (contact your administrator to invite a new participant).

The participant has been added to the participants list. To edit his status, click on the list menu and select "Read only".

You can edit his status at all time .

Click on "Save" to validate the modifications

Several status are availables :

The administrator can delete projects, create and edit documents. He also is the one that can invite new users within Ubikey.

The member can create and edit documents. He can manage the participants list of the project.

The read only participant can only vizualise documents and send content (post-its and images) in the portals.

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