Calculation field

Written by Support Ubikey
Updated 1 year ago

What is a calculation field?

A calculation field is a new field type for your post-its. It enables you to calculate a value from a formula using existing variables.

Variable are values of the document, it can be :

  • A document formula (see : Document formulas).
  • A post-it field of the document (numeric, duration or calculation), either :
    • Field value on the post-it
    • Average of field value of all document post-its
    • Sum of field value of all document post-its

Create a calculation field

To create a new calculation field, click on the icon "Settings" in the document toolbar, then within the extended fields part, click on "Edit list".

The list of the fields assigned to post-its in the document opens. In the "Add" field, type in a name for the new field, select "Calculation" type and click on "Create".

The field configuration windows opens :

In the "Formula" field, define the calculation wanted : you can use numeric values, basic operators (+, -, *, /, (, ) ) and variables of your document.

To call a variable, use the @ key on your keyboard and choose the wanted variable in the list.

For a document formula variable, you can directly use the value.

For a post-it field variable, you can choose to use the field value on the post-it, the average or the sum function (of field values for every post-its of the document).

Finally, for the duration field variable, you will have to define a time unit ot use in the calculation (for example : you typed in an average of 2 days in the values of field "A" and you specified a variable "Avg(A)" in hours, then the value used for calculation will be 48 (2 days * 24hours)). 

Note : a calculation field doesn't technically have a unit, even if you have used variables in days or others time units.

Use calculation fields

The value of the calculation field on each post-it is automatically calculated, you cannot edit this value directly on the post-it.

The calculation field value is displayed as any other field values on the post-its.

If a variable that compose the calculation cannot be calculated (error status) then the calculation is declared not calculable and will display an error status.
If a variable has no value (no value in the post-its field), then the formula will display a no value status (--).

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