After lauching Ubikey, connect with your personal username and password.
Your projects list opens :
From this page you can :
Click on a project to access its home page ( see : The project homepage).
1 . Sign out / manage your account settings (find out more : Manage your profil information ).
2 . Open your personal dashboard (find out more : Use the personal dashboard ).
3 . Create a new project.
4 . Filter the projects list by : last projects opened, alphabetical order or only your favorites projects. The chosen option is personal and will be saved for next time.
5 . Click on favorite icon to add or remove a project from your favorite. The favorite projects are personal and will not be visible by others members.
6 . Click on the menu icon to display project options :
- Add / remove projet from favorite.
- Edit project information. You must be owner of the project for this option to be available. Edit title, description and color of the project.
- Copy project. You must be owner of the project for this option to be available. Create a copy of the project and all its documents.
- Leave project. Only if you are not the owner of the project. This options will remove you from the participants list and the project will not appear anymore in your projects list.
- Delete project. You must be owner of the project for this option to be available.