Version 1.18

Written by Support Ubikey
Updated 6 months ago

Color indicators

A new type of indicator that enables you to choose from a list of two or three results. Each result is composed of a color, a label and an icon.

Tutorial : Indicators

Indicator view : Safety cross

A view for your color indicator as the standard safety cross. This view also show the on-going streak (without accident) and the record.

Tutorial : The safety cross

Indicator view : Monthly calendar

A new indicator view a a monthly calendar. It is compatible with both your color and numerical indicators.

Tutorial : Monthly calendar view

Multi-level consolidated indicators

Consolidate indicators from indicators that are consolidated themself and escalate data on successive levels.

Tutorial : Consolidated indicators

New consolidation mode "Achieved objectives"

A new calculation mode for your consolidated indicators. If all basic indicators reached their objective then the consolidated indicator will be validated (green), if at least one basic indicator did not reach its objectives then the consolidated indicator will not be validated (red).

Tutorial : Consolidated indicators

Document statistic : add a filter to your document

Drag and drop the filters from the statistics tab into your document to add it as a document item.

Tutorial : Use the documents statistics

Dashboard : Filter on empty field

Creat filter that diplays items whose extended field has not been filled in.

Tutorial : Use the personal dashboard

Upgrade on post-its and extended fields readability.

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